Cortos Europeos
European Shorts

Varios Países (Various Countries)


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Availability ended 7/21/2021 EDT

Auspiciado por (Sponsored by)

El Festival de Cine Europeo de Puerto Rico se ha asociado de manera especial con Total Puerto Rico para traer una edición internacional de su competencia anual de cortometrajes. Cortadito 2021: Presentado por Total exhibirá más de 25 cortometrajes de Puerto Rico y Europa.

Por primera vez, el Festival presenta una tanda europea con 8 cortometrajes representando a diferentes países como Francia y Suiza. Incluido en la selección está Grand Hotel, un documental social que recorre el interior del antiguo Gran Hotel de Locarno en Suiza.

The Puerto Rico European Film Festival has partnered with Total Puerto Rico to present a special international edition of its annual short-film competition. Cortadito 2021: Presented by Total is set to showcase more than 25 short films from Puerto Rico and Europe.

For the first time, the Festival presents a screening of 8 European short films from a variety of countries, including France and Switzerland. Among the selections: Grand Hotel, a haunting documentary that wanders through interiors of the now shuttered Grand Hotel in Lucarno, Switzerland. 

All shorts films in this digital screening include English subtitles. In addition, subtitles in Spanish and/or other European languages are available for some titles. To read synopses and see production information, click on MORE INFO beneath any of the posters below. 


Availability ended 7/21/2021 EDT
Bélgica (Belgium)
Una familia de agricultores se cruza con un extraño que trae un mensaje pacífico. El problema es que a la familia no le gusta recibir visitas … (A family of farmers comes across a stranger with a peaceful message. The problem is that they don’t like visitors...)

Teslimat (The Delivery)

Availability ended 7/21/2021 EDT
Chipre (Cyprus)
Yusuf acepta el encargo de llevar refugiados en su camión creyendo que es la única forma de conseguir dinero para salvar la vida de su hija. Cuando el contrabandista llega con los refugiados, Yusuf se da cuenta de que también hay niños que no sobrevivirán la travesía. Aún así, decide seguir adelante con su trabajo, arriesgando sus vidas. (Yusuf accepts the job of carrying refugees with his refrigerated meat truck, believing this is the only way to find money he needs to save his daughter's life. But when the smuggler shows up with the refugees, Yusuf realizes there are kids inside, who may not survive the ordeal. Nevertheless, he still accepts to go forward with the job, risking their lives in the process.)

Grand Hotel

Availability ended 7/21/2021 EDT
Suiza (Switzerland)
Un recorrido visual por el interior del majestuoso edificio del Gran Hotel de Locarno, cerrado hace mucho tiempo. Los fantasmas de quienes residieron en él durante las últimas décadas aún viven en su interior. (Take a visual journey to Locarno to visit the majestic Gran Hotel, which has been shuttered for years. The ghosts of those who once lived there over decades past still dwell inside.)


Availability ended 7/21/2021 EDT
Francia (France)
Michaël es un joven guardia de seguridad que no sabe tomar decisiones. Cansado y molesto, tras una noche de trabajo, vuelve a casa. En su camino, los acontecimientos sacudirán su vida cotidiana. (Michaël is a young security guard who doesn't know how to make the right decisions. Tired and irritated after his night shift, he heads home. On the way there, his life will be turned upside down.)

Il Sogno di Venere (Venus' Dream)

Availability ended 7/21/2021 EDT
Italia (Italy)
Un joven tiene un sueño que le cambia la vida descubriendo nuevos rasgos de su personalidad y finalmente poniendo fin a su distanciamiento autoimpuesto. (A young man has a life-changing dream that reveals new aspects of his personality and finally puts an end into his self-imposed isolation.)


Availability ended 7/21/2021 EDT
Francia (France)
Recién jubilado, un hombre no sabe cómo ocupar sus días. Por miedo a morir de aburrimiento, se involucra en el loco proyecto de construir un barco en el sótano de su casa. (A recently retired man doesn't know what to do in his free time. Out of fear of dying from boredom, he starts to build a boat in the cellar of his suburban home and soon becomes obsessed.)

Call me when you're dead

Availability ended 7/21/2021 EDT
Italia / España (Italy / Spain)
Cuando Darren recibe la trágica noticia de que alguien cercano a él ha muerto, tiene que llamar a sus seres queridos mientras lidia con su dolor. (When Darren receives the tragic news that someone close to him has died, he has to call his loved ones, all the while dealing with his grief.)

Lovemaking of Trolls

Availability ended 7/21/2021 EDT
Alemania (Germany)
Un trol de internet es controlado por un trol verdadero. (An Internet troll gets trolled himself... by a real troll!)

Auspiciadores de Platino | Platinum Sponsors

Fundaciones y Grants | Foundations and Grants

Auspiciadores Europeos y Colaboradores | European Sponsors and Festival Partners